Although not specifically signed in to the Davis-Monthan Register, there is strong probability it is the airplane flown through Tucson Tuesday, July 19, 1927 by Augie Pedlar. He identified the brand of airplane, "Buehl," [sic] but not the registration number. The juxtaposition of his landing date, his passenger list and the date of the event they were to enter at his destination on the west coast, suggest a good bet to be NX2915. Explanation follows.
Pedlar landed with two passengers, Mildred Doran and W.F. Malloska. Based at Flint, MI, they were westbound from El Paso, TX to San Francisco, CA. They were scheduled to compete in the trans-Pacific Dole Race to be started at Oakland, CA on August 16, 1927 (see book reference, lower left sidebar).
The NASM data card for this airplane states that it was manufactured June 30, 1927 at the Buhl Aircraft Company, Marysville, MI. It was sold to William F. Malloska of Flint, "For test flights, trans-continental & trans-Pacific" flights. Malloska was a wholsale jobber of petroleum products who bankrolled Pedlar for the Dole.
The NASM record states that the airplane had, "red wings, blue fuselage, white tail." It left the factory with a 200HP Wright Whirlwind J-5 engine installed. It had a wing span of 45 feet and was named "Miss Doran." Photos of Pedlar, Doran and the front of NX2915 are at the link to the Cosgrove Collection on this site.
Please direct your browser to the Dole link, above, for details of the people and the event. You will learn that NX2915, Pedlar, Doran and navigator Vilas Knope were lost over the Pacific during the Race and never heard from again. The Buhl's temporary experimental registration number was canceled March 3, 1928.
Dossier 3.1.6